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Friday, January 28, 2011

NM assignments 2

1]find a root of the equation x3-5x+1=0 using the bisection method.
2]find a +ve root of x3-x-1=0 correct to two decimal places by bisection method.
3]find the square root of 25 given x0=2.0,x1=7.0 using bisection method.
4]by using bisection method,find an approximate root of the equation sinx=1/x that lies between x=1 and x=1.5. carry out computation upto 7th stage
5]using bisection method,find the negative root of x3-4x+9=0.
6]find real root of 1]x3-x-11=0 2]x3-5x+3=0 3]x3-6x-4=0 4]x3-4x-9=0
7]by using regula-falsi (or) false position and an approximate root of the equation 1]x4-x-10=0  2]xlog base 10 x=1.2  3]x3-x-4=0 4]x3-2x-5=0 5]2x-log base10 x=7 which lies between 3.5 and 4 6]xe power x=3 7]e power x sinx=1 8]xe power x=2.
8] find the root correct to 3-decimal places of the equqtion x=cosx near x=pie/4
9]find a root correct to three decimal places for the following equations by interaction method. a]x3+x2-1=0 b]x3+2x2+10x=20 c]x3=2x+5 d]3x=cosx+1
10]find a real root correct to three decimal places for the following equtions by newton's-raphson method a]find square root of 10 b]xtanx+1=0 c]e power x sinx=1 d]xe power x-cosx=0 e]x+logxbase10-2=0 f]x3-x-2=0 g]2x3-3x-6=0
11]using newton-raphson method
a]find square root of a number
b]find reciprocal of a number
c]find root 41 correct to four decimal places.

Note:-1]x3 means x power 3
         2]2x3 means 2 into xcube

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